On February 27 2015, the National Association “Sandro Pertini” donated its entire estate to the “Filippo Turati” Foundation for Historical Studies, of which in 1985 Pertini was the first President, the first and only office he wanted to hold after the seven years at the Quirinale.
At the same time, the Foundation set up its own “Sandro Pertini” Study and Documentation Center, to continue the scientific, editorial and promotional activities previously promoted by the National Association named after him – from the publication of correspondence and writings to the production of films and audiovisuals, and, at the same time, to expand the initiatives connected to institutional problems.
Sandro Pertini’s archives are significantly enhanced, becoming part of a library of over 100,000 titles and an archive of over 4 million documents.
“Mi mancherai – Ricordo di Sandro Pertini” docufilm
The video, produced by Act Multimedia and the National Association Sandro Pertini, is directed by Vittorio Giacci and has the scientific curation of Stefano Caretti, who is also the narrator.
Elenco delle presentazioni del docufilm nel corso del 2018
Elenco delle presentazioni del docufilm nel corso del 2017
Elenco delle presentazioni del docufilm nel corso del 2016
Elenco delle presentazioni del docufilm nel corso del 2015

“At Flossenburg on the 23 of April 1945, Pertini’s brother, Eugenio, was killed” (Image from “Sandro Pertini e la bandiera italiana” curated by Stefano Caretti e Maurizio Degl’Innocenti, Lacaita Edit., 1998)
“Il giovane Pertini combattente per la libertà”
Theatrical reading for schools, based on the volume “Sandro Pertini combattente per la libertà”, curated by S. Caretti e M. Degl’Innocenti, Manduria-Bari-Roma, Editore Pietro Lacaita, 2016 (XI edition).
Elenco delle presentazioni del reading nel corso del 2017
Elenco delle presentazioni del reading nel corso del 2018
Catalogue of Pertini Exhibition at Biblioteca delle Oblate in Florence