NEWS (20-30 October 2017)

Exile in contemporary history: inaugural conference of the cycle STORIA DELL’ESILIO E STORIE DI ESILI NEL XX SECOLO (“History of banishment and exiles in the twentieth century”) by professor Maurizio Degl’Innocenti,  which will be held from 17 October to 6 December 2017 at the Palazzo del Bo in Padova. The conference is sponsored by CASREC and the University of Padova.


The seminars will be filmed and published

The Filippo Turati Foundation for Historical Studies will participate in the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Geneva Congress of Peace (1867) that will be held Tuesday 21 November 2017 at the European Parliament in Bruxelles. The initiative is backed by the European Commission and the Sapienza University of Rome together with the Union of European Federalists, European Movement International, and the Istituto di Studi Federalisti Altiero Spinelli.

The presentation of Massimo Furiozzi’s Eugenio Rignano e il socialismo liberale, published by Angeli as part of the Foundation’s book series, will take place the 25th of October 2017 in Florence at the Circolo di Cultura Politica Fratelli Rosselli – Spazio QCR, in Via degli Alfani 101r. Participants, aside from the author, will be professors Ariane Landuyt, Maurizio Degl’Innocenti and Salvatore Cingari.


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